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Sunday Lately: It Feels Like Fall

I have had a very busy and full weekend. And I am pooped! So I knew I needed to do Sunday Lately to help me recharge and get ready for this week to come. The best part was that we were doing everything as a family, even if we want to kiil one another 99% of the time.

Completing: 2 halloween costumes for the kids, with many MANY more to get done. Both are for posts to come so you get a sneak peek while you guess what they are. Seriously, we have some insane ideas. For the adults. Over ambitious much?

Visiting: family while we celebrate my second to the youngest birthday. Visiting with family who made it out to my oldest son's football game. and Visiting the process of getting older (which I added one more year last Friday)

Repeating: myself. A lot! Seriously, why do my kids have to be so good at ignoring me in every method possible? Repeating history. Not sure if thatis good or not, but we will figure that all out soon enough.

Applauding: my son and my husband for playing and couaching their hearts out yesterday. They both love football, and it is great seeing them out on the field togther doing something they both lve and creating a bond with one another and within the community. Also, I am going to give myself a big pat on the back because I made myself not only an awesomous Momiform, but I also made myself a kickass pencil skirt.

Scheduling: appointments, lots of blog posts, another blog tour, pattern reviews, tutorials, maybe some sleep in there. I also need to make sure that I throw a bone in there for my husband and I so we are really thinking we need some good old fashioned fun our way: CONCERT!

So that was a fulfilling recap... and I shall be back this week with lots more for you!

Stay Rebellious!

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